8:19 ص

Postal codes in Argentina

Postal codes in Argentina

postal codes of Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires Province North (EG: C1420 Buenos Aires City, B1900 La Plata) 1XXX
postal codes of Santa Fe (EG: S2000 Rosario, S2300 Rafaela) 2XXX
postal codes of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Misiones (EG: E3100 Paraná, P3600 Formosa, N3700 Posadas, W3400 Corrientes) 3XXX
postal codes of Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero (EG: T4000 Tucumán, A4400 Salta, K4700 Catamarca) 4XXX
postal codes of Córdoba, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Mendoza (EG: X5000 Córdoba, M5500 Mendoza, D5700 San Luis, F5300 La Rioja) 5XXX
postal codes of Buenos Aires Province West, La Pampa (EG: B6600 Junín, L6900 Santa Rosa) 6XXX
postal codes of Buenos Aires Province East, Center and South (EG: B7000 Tandil, B7600 Mar del Plata, B7400 Olavarría) 7XXX
postal codes of Buenos Aires Province South, Río Negro, Neuquén (EG: B8000 Bahía Blanca, R8400 Bariloche, R8500 Viedma, Q8300 Neuquén) 8XXX
postal codes of Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego (EG: U9000 Comodoro Rivadavia, U9200 Esquel, V9410 Ushuaia, Z9400 Río Gallegos)

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